Kieker 1.12 released

On October 1, 2015, we released version 1.12 of our Kieker framework for application performance monitoring and dynamic software analysis. As usual, the release is available for download at

  • New features (selection)
    • Monitoring of system-level statistics based on the Sigar API:
      • New probes and corresponding records for network and disk usage; load average
      • New servlet filter to start the Sigar-based samplers (previously only a servlet for CPU, memory/swap)
      • Standalone tool for resource monitoring
    • New reader and writer for Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)
    • Probes for collecting distributed traces in REST-based environments with Jersey.
    • Example for monitoring traces in distributed applications based on the RESTful Netflix OSS RSS Reader Recipe, provided via container-based virtualization (Docker).
  • Bug fixes and improvements to code, performance, tests,
    documentation, examples