Presentation slides of additional talks are associated with some of our publications.
Selected Talks » Publication Database
Number of items: 25.
Jung, R., Gundlach, S., Schnoor, H. and Hasselbring, W.
Architecture Recovery and Optimization for Scientific Software.
In: Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany. , 20.2.2023, Paderborn .

Vögele, C., van Hoorn, A., Schulz, E., Hasselbring, W. and Krcmar, H.
A Unified Model-Driven Approach for Extracting and Generating Workload Specifications for Load Testing and Performance Prediction of Application Systems (presentation).
In: Software Engineering 2017. , 21.-24. February, Hannover, Germany . Software Engineering 2017. .
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-267
Hasselbring, W. and van Hoorn, A.
Open-Source-Software als Katalysator im Technologietransfer am Beispiel des Monitoring-Frameworks Kieker.
In: 1. Kieler Open Source Business Konferenz. , 14. September 2015, Kiel .
van Hoorn, A.
Measurement-based Performance Problem Detection and Diagnosis.
[Invited talk]
In: Invited talk at Gran Sasso Science Institute. , April 21, 2015, L'Aquila, Italy .
van Hoorn, A.
Tool-Supported Application Performance Problem Detection and Diagnosis.
[Invited talk]
In: 4th Software Performance Meetup. , March 16, 2015, fortiss GmbH, Munich, Germany .
Ehmke, N. C., Wulf, C. and Hasselbring, W.
Continuous Integration in Kieker.
In: Symposium on Software Performance (SOSP 2014). , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
Ehmke, N. C., Wulf, C. and Hasselbring, W.
The Kieker Analysis Framework & Kieker’s WebGUI.
In: A-Team b+m Informatik AG. , 07. Nov. 2014, Melsdorf .
Fittkau, F.
Hands on EPrints - Haptic Software Systems through 3D Printing.
In: Hands on EPrints Presentation. , 2014-06-06, South Hampton, UK, online presentation .
Hasselbring, W.
Application Performance Monitoring & Architecture Discovery with Kieker.
In: WAIS Seminar. , 23.04.2014, Southampton .
Pitakrat, T. and van Hoorn, A.
Investigating the Use of Bayesian Networks in the Hora Approach for Component-based Online Failure Prediction.
In: Symposium on Software Performance 2014: Joint Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days. , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
Schulz, H., Flaig, A., Wert, A. and van Hoorn, A.
Adaptive Instrumentation of Java Applications for Experiment-Based Performance Analysis.
In: Symposium on Software Performance 2014: Joint Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days. , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
van Hoorn, A.
Dynamic Analysis of Software Systems with Kieker: A Hands-On Lecture.
[Invited talk]
In: Guest Lecture in the Course "Enterprise Digital Infrastructure". , May 21, 2014, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy .
van Hoorn, A. and Ehmke, N. C.
Kieker Monitoring Framework (Tutorial).
In: 5th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering. , March 23, 2014, Dublin, Ireland .
van Hoorn, A., Vögele, C., Schulz, E., Hasselbring, W. and Krcmar, H.
Integrating Workload Specification and Extraction for Model-Based and Measurement-Based Performance Evaluation: An Approach for Session-Based Software Systems.
In: Symposium on Software Performance 2014: Joint Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days. , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
Bielefeld, T. C. and van Hoorn, A.
OPAD: Online Performance Anomaly Detection with Kieker.
In: 7th Hamburg Web Performance Meetup. , October 24, 2012, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg .
Brauer, P. C.
Kieker.Workflow - Workflow Monitoring mit Kieker.
In: KoSSE-Symposium “Application Performance Management (Kieker Days 2012)”. , 29.11.2012, Kiel .
Ehmke, N. C.
Assembling and Executing Kieker Analysis Configurations via Java API and Web UI.
In: KoSSE-Symposium Application Performance Management (Kieker Days 2012). , November 29/30, 2012, Kiel, Germany .
Hasselbring, W.
Rekonstruktion von Softwarearchitekturen durch dynamische Analyse.
In: GI-Fachtagung Architekturen 2012. , 02.07.2012, Paderborn .

van Hoorn, A.
Kieker Keeps an Eye on Your Software ("Wir nehmen Ihre Software auf den Kieker").
[Invited talk]
In: Winterfest der Technischen Fakultät/Tag der Informatik 2012. , December 6, 2012, Kiel, Germany .
van Hoorn, A.
Kieker: Overview, Review, and Outlook.
In: KoSSE-Symposium Application Performance Management (Kieker Days 2012). , November 29/30, 2012, Kiel, Germany .
Waller, J.
Analysis and Visualization of Monitoring Data in 3D.
In: KoSSE-Symposium Application Performance Management (Kieker Days 2012). , November 29-30, 2012, Kiel, Germany .
Wulf, C.
Detection and Utilization of Potential Parallelism in Software Systems.
In: KoSSE-Symposium Application Performance Management (Kieker Days 2012). , November 29/30, 2012, Kiel, Germany .
Hasselbring, W. and van Hoorn, A.
Architecture Reconstruction via Dynamic Analysis.
In: SEACON 2011, Architecture Day. , June 29, 2011, Hamburg, Germany .
Hasselbring, W. and van Hoorn, A.
Effektives Monitoring im Betrieb von Softwaresystemen.
[Invited talk]
In: IT-Anwenderkreis. , March 9, 2010, Kiel, Germany .