Performance Benchmarks

On this page, we collect performance benchmarks of Kieker monitoring and other instrumentation frameworks, such as OpenTelemetry and inspectIT, for comparison utilizing MooBench.

Details of the comparison of OpenTelemetry, inspectIT and Kieker can be found in

Kieker Observability Framework – Java

These are the performance benchmark results for Kieker 4 Java probes utilizing different writer back end.

  • No instrumentation serves as a baseline value indicating how much execution time can be contributed to the benchmark program itself.
  • Deactivated probe as above, but with woven in probes that do not produce any output and do not aggregate information.
  • No logging are activated probes, but the collected data is not send utilizing a null writer.
  • Text File utilizes the text file logging. This is usually slow, as data is written in text files and getting more irrelevant in the performance benchmarks. The diagram below, therefore, does not show the results.
  • Binary File utilizes the binary file logging without compression.
  • Binary TCP utilizes a TCP connection to send the monitoring data to a logging service.
setup run mean ci sd 1.quartile median 3.quartile max min
No instrumentation current 0.106 0.000 0.028 0.103 0.104 0.108 11.703 0.103
No instrumentation past 0.109 0.000 0.041 0.108 0.109 0.109 21.252 0.103
Deactivated probe current 0.721 0.007 3.627 0.693 0.703 0.723 2741.081 0.653
Deactivated probe past 0.711 0.007 3.704 0.679 0.694 0.713 2689.640 0.647
No logging current 2.688 0.009 4.578 2.632 2.660 2.692 2773.794 2.569
No logging past 2.749 0.025 12.930 2.684 2.710 2.738 11094.693 2.612
Binary file current 5.320 0.027 13.813 3.551 4.509 6.766 12471.860 2.986
Binary file past 5.085 0.043 21.867 3.507 4.345 6.018 20552.263 3.114
Binary TCP current 6.753 0.012 6.028 6.551 6.789 7.423 2628.729 3.246
Binary TCP past 7.160 0.018 9.032 6.589 7.002 7.748 6670.248 3.028

Kieker Observability Framework – Python

Kieker 4 Python is the reimplementation of the probe and monitoring side of Kieker addressing programs written in Python. Here we also want to know how well certain parts perform.

  • No instrumentation is the baseline execution time of the benchmark program.
  • Deactivated probe is the execution time with integrated probes, but these are deactivated.
  • No logging is with active probes, but with a null writer.
  • Text File is with an activated probe logging to a text file.
  • Binary TCP is with an activated probe logging to a remote logging server.

Each of these setups, except of no instrumentation, are tested utilizing two different probe introduction methods (here labeled A and B).

setup run mean ci sd 1.quartile median 3.quartile max min
No instrumentation current 1.553 0.000 0.148 1.543 1.551 1.557 32.374 1.466
No instrumentation past 1.638 0.000 0.170 1.580 1.625 1.712 25.647 1.472
Deactivated probe - A current 1.544 0.000 0.241 1.530 1.538 1.546 185.860 1.470
Deactivated probe - A past 1.684 0.000 0.186 1.646 1.665 1.731 58.116 1.496
Deactivated probe - B current 3.837 0.001 0.300 3.806 3.824 3.844 179.221 3.704
Deactivated probe - B past 3.934 0.001 0.293 3.816 3.862 4.046 57.429 3.702
No logging - A current 1.551 0.000 0.153 1.539 1.549 1.557 24.037 1.476
No logging - A past 2.960 0.000 0.228 2.849 2.943 3.022 38.925 2.742
No logging - B current 45.010 0.004 1.827 44.194 44.467 44.838 231.526 43.199
No logging - B past 45.881 0.004 2.134 44.914 45.150 45.552 479.667 43.885
Text file - A current 1.554 0.000 0.164 1.509 1.518 1.534 24.582 1.438
Text file - A past 12.789 0.010 5.222 12.255 12.523 13.231 1438.907 11.936
Text file - B current 1324.650 1.083 552.708 1262.506 1309.014 1367.245 208107.800 1232.760
Text file - B past 1314.638 1.227 625.843 1258.432 1287.586 1360.628 227982.995 1229.429
Binary TCP - A current 1.636 0.000 0.177 1.525 1.683 1.692 25.941 1.473
Binary TCP - A past 6.802 0.001 0.529 6.643 6.749 6.831 118.737 4.497
Binary TCP - B current 481.077 0.061 30.971 472.512 475.316 480.049 1359.387 232.355
Binary TCP - B past 482.065 0.057 29.322 473.374 476.245 481.465 1364.527 238.453


OpenTelemetry ( is a widely used monitoring tool, compatible with many programming languages. MooBench measures the overhead of OpenTelemetry using the following configurations:

  • No instrumentation is the baseline execution time of the benchmark program.
  • No Logging measures the execution time of the benchmark program with OpenTelemetry instrumentation, but without measuring or
    logging anything.
  • Logging measures the execution time of the benchmark program with OpenTelemetry instrumentation and writing every output to the standard output. Text file logging is slow and getting more irrelevant in the performance benchmarks. The diagram below, therefore, does not show the results.
  • Zipkin measures the execution time of the benchmark program with obtaining every method invocation and sending them to a local Zipkin instance.
  • Prometheus measures the execution time of the benchmark program with obtaining only aggregated execution times, which are stored by a local Prometheus instance.
setup run mean ci sd 1.quartile median 3.quartile max min
No instrumentation current 0.105 0.000 0.038 0.105 0.105 0.105 14.148 0.102
No instrumentation past 0.105 0.000 0.074 0.104 0.105 0.105 60.103 0.102
No logging current 6.455 0.019 9.645 6.311 6.351 6.395 5462.770 6.106
No logging past 6.889 0.042 21.548 6.704 6.747 6.821 10791.797 6.544
Zipkin current 9.475 0.023 11.865 8.984 9.024 9.077 3264.397 8.807
Zipkin past 10.447 0.050 25.366 9.854 9.911 9.984 19644.458 9.267


InspectIT ( is a widely used monitoring tool, which is allows to trace the execution of Java programs. MooBench
measures the overhead of InspectIT using the following configurations:

  • No instrumentation is the baseline execution time of the benchmark program.
  • Deactivated processing measures the execution time of the benchmark program with inspectIT instrumentation, but without measuring or logging
  • No Logging measures the execution time of the benchmark program with inspectIT instrumentation and just discarding the measurement results.
  • Zipkin measures the execution time of the benchmark program with obtaining every method invocation and sending them to a local Zipkin instance.
  • Prometheus measures the execution time of the benchmark program with obtaining only aggregated execution times, which are stored by a local Prometheus instance.
setup run mean ci sd 1.quartile median 3.quartile max min
No instrumentation current 0.104 0.000 0.033 0.103 0.103 0.104 10.885 0.101
No instrumentation past 0.107 0.000 0.032 0.106 0.106 0.107 12.644 0.103
Deactivated probe current 13.864 0.097 49.369 13.499 13.584 13.684 30737.700 12.941
Deactivated probe past 14.052 0.037 18.704 13.685 13.791 13.938 13069.672 13.169
No logging current 42.139 0.033 17.022 41.204 41.419 41.729 3398.960 40.339
No logging past 41.167 0.045 23.003 40.116 40.349 40.686 12201.946 38.986
Zipkin current 43.642 0.140 71.580 41.330 41.549 41.872 53456.890 36.450
Zipkin past 42.972 0.074 37.613 40.223 40.477 40.857 24827.684 35.554
Prometheus current 25.457 0.026 13.508 24.942 25.057 25.197 5336.627 24.355
Prometheus past 24.253 0.035 17.657 23.815 23.925 24.055 8481.151 23.260