Eclipse Quickstart Guide

This is just a quickstart guide and does not show the full potential of Kieker. You can find more details in the user guide. If you want to use Kieker from the command line, you might want to take a look into the usual quickstart guide instead. The shown steps are possible since Kieker 1.9 and of course with the nightly build.

  • Download Kieker and copy the kieker-1.12-aspectj.jar
    • from the build/libs/ directory
    • into your project directory (not in a sub directory, for this quickstart guide).

Kieker in Eclipse

  • Open the run configuration of your project (Run As -> Run Configurations),

Kieker in Eclipse

  • add -javaagent:kieker-1.12-aspectj.jar to the VM arguments, and
  • run your project.

Kieker in Eclipse

Kieker writes the monitoring log files into the system’s default temporary directory (e.g. /tmp/) in a directory named kieker-<date>-<timestamp>-UTC. The precise path can be found in the console output.

Kieker in Eclipse
The analysis of the monitoring data is shown in the usual quickstart guide.