Kieker is currently maintained jointly by Kiel University’s Software Engineering Group, the University of Hamburg, and Lancaster University Leipzig as part of their teaching and research activities, including collaborators from other academic or industrial institutions. Learn more about the involved institutions.
Feel free to contact us if you are interested in any aspect of the Kieker framework.
Research & Industrial Coordination, Architecture & Development
- Prof. Dr. Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring, Kiel University, Department of Computer Science, Software Engineering Group, Kiel, Germany
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. André van Hoorn †, University of Hamburg, Department of Informatics, Software Engineering and Construction Methods Group, Hamburg, Germany
- Dr. David Georg Reichelt, Lancaster University Leipzig, Computer Science and Software Engineering, Leipzig, Germany
Mailing Lists
Two Kieker mailing lists for Kieker users and developers exist:
Issue Tracking
Most discussions are handled within our Issues page on GitHub. Feel free to open a new issue. Refer to our support page for further information. To get informed about any events in our ticket system simply subscribe to our kieker-tickets mailing list.